Welcome to the forum for "Battlefield BF4 Stats".

Read more about why the app disappeared from Google Play Store here: https://bf4stats.userecho.com/topic/533843-why-the...

Please check out http://www.getlocalization.com/bf4stats/ if you want to help translating the app to your favourite language.

Please use the email listed at Google Play Store for support and bug reports.

Fix level 110

John Smeets 11 лет назад 0
We lost or totaal score after last update every level110 has 0/0

Where are the weapon unlocks, like you got for the vehicles unlocks?

Dick van Leeuwen 11 лет назад обновлен Bjorncs 11 лет назад 0
At the vehicle tab I can click on any vehicle and see my unlock progression and what I will unlock next.
But it is NOT the same with the weapons??
Can you please fix this?
(by the way, your App is Awesome!!)
Bjorncs 11 лет назад

Weapon accessory are not added yet. The feature is rated high on my priority list and will hopefully be added in a couple of weeks from now on.


Dogtags show only by date 09-01-14 :(

real-biker 11 лет назад обновлен Bjorncs 11 лет назад 2
fix it


Profiteer Lou 11 лет назад 0
Please get the app and premium in the Kindle App Store.


Luke Delraso 11 лет назад 0
Add missions participated in and won if possible also personal records

Is there a way you can show/ track how you are progressing with vehicle stars?

Daniel Martin 11 лет назад обновлен Bjorncs 11 лет назад 1
You get new stars for using vehicles once you have unlocked everything. It is not easy to track your progress of these stars unless you use a vehicle and view the stats at the end of the game.

weapon service star progression is wrong

Matthew Quek 11 лет назад обновлен Bjorncs 11 лет назад 0
Great job so far on the app! However, I have found this bug where the percentage on the weapon service star is wrong. It currently follows the amount of service stars I have. So lets say I have 2 service stars with the ACWR and 30 kills towards the next star, it will show 2%.

emblem edit and emblem code copy and paste!

Kevin Tilka 9 лет назад 0
Emblem edit and emblem code copy and paste abilities would do it for me!

group vehicles together by type

paul trotter 11 лет назад 0
It's kind of hard to know at a glance how many boat kills I have without looking up each type of boat and then having to add them all together you should list them by attack boat and then riverboat then jet ski et cetera et cetera same for helicopters I think if you group them all together it will make it easier to see how many killers you have with scout helicopters, attack helicopters, boats, transport vehicles, tanks etc.

wont let me download 360 stats.

Jacob Croxford 11 лет назад обновлен Bjorncs 11 лет назад 0
wont let me download 360 stats just xbox one. only played the xbox one version once at a friend house so no use to me.
Bjorncs 11 лет назад
Could you please provide me your player name?

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