Welcome to the forum for "Battlefield BF4 Stats".

Read more about why the app disappeared from Google Play Store here: https://bf4stats.userecho.com/topic/533843-why-the...

Please check out http://www.getlocalization.com/bf4stats/ if you want to help translating the app to your favourite language.

Please use the email listed at Google Play Store for support and bug reports.

support for android 2.2.2

Servando Esteban Anjel Gomez fa 11 anys updated by Bjorncs fa 11 anys 0

not leave behind the other versions

Bjorncs fa 11 anys

We have dropped support for Android 2.1 and 2.2 devices as they often have too little memory to run the app. Another reason is that we don't have any device lower than 2.3 to do testing on.


I would love to be able to compare weapon stats side by side similar to symthic.com

jayson casavant fa 11 anys updated by Simon Kent fa 11 anys 3
I am a stat junkie. I would love to be able to compare stats one weapon to another. There are some great sites out there for this but would love your app to include it.
Under review

i have broplem with download any player profile

Ahmad ALHarbi fa 11 anys actualitzat fa 10 anys 3
i search for my profile and choose him after that he say downloading profile success but i don't see any profile.

Ribbons vs medals

Martin G fa 11 anys updated by Bjorncs fa 11 anys 1
When u look at your medals, the wrong ribbon are shown underneath.


Krzysiu Fronczak fa 9 anys 0



Scores: Gamemode CTF is missing

reto küpfer fa 11 anys updated by Bjorncs fa 11 anys 1

Support for Iphone/Ipad/ipod

florian KÖNIGSLEHNER fa 11 anys updated by Bjorncs fa 11 anys 0
How about making the App for IOS users because i would really enjoy looking my stats on Ipad. Spin i will chage to iPhone so i can't use the app on iphone + Its esyer ti buy it in app Store

Info about current equipment

Adam Mikut fa 11 anys 0

allow us to click on weapons/items/vehicles

David Day fa 11 anys updated by Bjorncs fa 11 anys 0
So we can view what is left to.unlock how many kill/ points we need to.get the next attachment.
Bjorncs fa 11 anys

Have you actually tried to click on the items? Because pretty much all items (weapons, vehicles, dogtags, awards) are clickable at the moment :)

Not a bug


mike jackson fa 11 anys updated by Bjorncs fa 11 anys 3
I was just haveing a browse in the awards section an i noticed all the ribbons are mixed or missing. Could you please have a look into this please. Thank you
Bjorncs fa 11 anys
Battlelog issue, not related to app.